Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ethans Heart

We went to the cardiologist for Ethan last Tuesday. She listened and said she thought she heard two murmurs as well. So she had him get an ultrasound. He was so brave and sat still for over 4o minutes. After the ultrasound results came back she came in a told us that everything was okay. He has a murmur but it's an innocent one, which means they don't do anything for it. He could even grow out of it. YEAH!!!! We were so relieved he's totally fine and we have nothing to worry about. She told us that sometimes in little kids they can hear things better than in adults. So his body just transmits sound really well. I love primary children's hospital. They were so good to him. He got a sucker, chips, and tokens to buy some little toys. He had fun, which seems strange for being at a hospital. Thank you for all your prayers, and for the priesthood blessing he was given. I believe that's what made him whole and okay. Also a big thanks to my Mom for coming with us. I wasn't sure I'd be any good at making decisions if it came to that, so she came with us so Jared would have someone who wasn't sobbing to help him. Thanks Mom!!!

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