Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I hardly ever do just a journal entry but I don't have any pictures to go with this. We had a great New Years Eve. We went to my sister-in-laws for a family party with Jared's family. We played games and ate, and ate, and ate, and talked, and ate some more. It was so much fun. I actually stayed up to see the new year come in. I am so excited for a new year. As you all know it's been a rough year for us, and I am looking forward to putting all of that behind us and starting over. I don't think I've ever look so forward to a new year like I am this time. I'm grateful for the lessons learned, the trials we overcame, and the strength found that I didn't know we had, but I'll take those lessons, and be happy to leave the struggles behind. I know I'm dreaming if I think this year won't bring it's own challenges, but I'm glad to be out of '08's. I hope this year brings all of us the things we're hoping and dreaming of! Happy New Year!!

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